Sunday, February 24, 2013


First things first.  You have to click the above link (assuming my limited technology skills have panned out.  If not, go to YouTube and search for Josh Guru Project Infinity).  It's music so once you hit "play" come back here.  And go!  It's techno music and one of my goals in life is to force others to listen to techno, whether they like it or not, because it simply is the best style of music ever in the world.  Ever.  The lyrics are easy enough for a toddler to keep up with:  "take your time to trust in me and you will find infinity."  You still have the song playing, right? 

Before I get all deep and spritual, this song came to mind because I have exciting news to share!  I now have access to a local gym called Enfinity.  Awesome friends made the connection happen and I can have all kinds of fun workout equipment to train YOU and/or your closest friends!  It's not big and overwhelming, there is no gym membership required of you, and you won't feel like you're in the middle of a meat-market.   That's my shameless plug, by the way. 

Moving on to the ultra spiritual now.  Take your time to trust in me and you will find infinity.  I have a hunch that could be some lyrics that DJ Jazzy Jesus is trying to teach us. 

Take your time.  God is never in a hurry; take your time.  He's never early, never late; take your time.  Tap the brakes on your racetrack schedule and focus on the Lord.  Don't just think about doing it.  Right now, pause and ponder.  What does His face look like?  What emotions surface as you take the time to be still and know that He is God?  Is He smiling at You?

Trust in Me.  While you may not always get your way, He has the advantage of being the Omega, The End.  He is weaving the tapestry of your life in a way you're too close to understand or fully appreciate.  He has plans to prosper you and give you a hope and a future.  So turn around, tighten the blindfold, and risk the free-fall.

You will find Infinity.  Now reread it emphasizing the word "will" WILL find Infinity.  It's absolutely going to happen is what Jesus is saying.  So many things waver here on earth, like me with coffee dates and getting my sons haircuts.  But He wants you with Him forever.  I cannot wrap my mind around the concept of infinity.  I've tried to as I explain to my 4 little boys that though their father is no longer earth-bound, they will be reunited with their dad forever and ever and ever.  It almost sounds like a legend and yet we are custom-designed by The Guy who has put into our DNA this yearning for "more" and "better" and "always".   

By now the song has ended or will soon.  Did you love it as much as I do?   Did you catch the word that's repeated about a hundred times?  Relax.   That's not a synonym for "be lazy," by the way.  But we can exhale and relax, knowing we are the clay and not the potter.   I like that.  With all that I'm having to make sure happens (like boys' haircuts), how wonderfully fantastic that the "big" stuff is not my responsibility.  If we truly relax, we are moldable.  Into His image.

Oh, and back to the shameless plug....

1 comment:

  1. Wow! A very uplifting post and one I needed to hear.

    Fitting in Fitness and Nutrition - this post reminds me to fit Him in as well (as the most important priority). I too am amazed when thinking about eternity and all that my small brain can comprehend.

    Thanks for uplifting me this day and pointing me to Him.

